GET TO KNOW ME I’m Andy, a writer
I'm Andy Douglas, a writer, editor, musician, writing teacher and counselor. I'm also active with Prout, a movement for economic democracy. Check out my books, music, essays and other offerings.
My writing addresses themes ranging from spirituality to social justice, travel to music, and the earth's environment to the inner world.
I'm the author of The Curve of the World: Into the Spiritual Heart of Yoga, Redemption Songs, and translator of Songs of the New Dawn. Born in Brazil to missionary parents, travel and spiritual practice have shaped my life ever since. I've practiced yoga and meditation for forty years, and lived for seven years in various countries of Asia. After returning from Korea in 1990, I worked as a journalist and public radio announcer, before receiving a bachelors’ degree in Anthropology from the University of Iowa. In 2005, I received an MFA in Creative Writing, also from the University of Iowa, where I was fortunate to receive the Marcus Bach Fellowship for Writing about Religion and Culture.
My essays, stories and translations have appeared in Mary, New Renaissance, J Journal, Fogged Clarity, Nimrod, Pisgah Review, Bayou, and The Examined Life. I'm active with peace, economic justice, immigration and prison issues, and have sung in a choir with prisoners. I make my home in Iowa City, Iowa, surrounded by great film, music, and literature.